Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Gregg Easterbrook back at ESPN

Although I'm sure none of you who read this care, once-embattled writer Gregg Easterbrook, who writes my favorite internet column, Tuesday Morning Quarterback, has been re-hired by ESPN, who fired him in 2003 for saying Jews are good with money, or something like that. He spent two seasons writing at nfl.com, but ESPN has apparently gotten over it, and lured him back. This is good, because NFL wouldn't let him be as critical of them as he had been, but bad, because I prefer the tasteful white and blue color scheme of nfl.com to the harsh yellow and red of ESPN's page2.

Anyway, if you're interested, you can find his current (and pre-fallout, it seems) stuff here, his nfl.com stuff here, and a nice summary of the whole situation here (you don't have to subscribe; click the arrow and through the ad).

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