Friday, February 03, 2006

R.O.P.D.R.P.W. Episode V: Final Answer

Big-assed Red Disclaimer:
The following episode of Richard's Occasional and Poorly-Drawn Random Paint Webcomic features metaphorical decapitation of a certain OU history professor. I'm not advocating physical violence here. It is not meant to be taken seriously, like, at all. I have a lot of respect for the man, and I still consider murder a horrible thing that shouldn't happen. What you should take seriously is the fact that anyone attempting to exact some sort of physical violence against Dr. Savage would totally get themselves messed up. The man is a complete badass, and probably wouldn't hesitate in any sort of threatening situation. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he kept a vintage colt revolver in pristine working condition and loaded in his desk drawer, and a 12-guage under his bed, with spare shells in the dresser. Consider yourself warned.

(Once again, this is merely a representation of a surprising grade)


Elizabeth said...

Hells yeah, way to go!

Anonymous said...

That man is so freaking crazy. They did an article on him about a year ago in some sort of Sooner recruiting

He's a hard-ass.