Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Two Questions

Okay, I've got two questions.

First, what's up with that ODOT "test sign" on 235 south near the capitol? What are they testing exactly, whether or not you can actually see the sign? How about if it doesn't fall down and impale some passing far that test is successful it would seem, because the sign's been there for at least 5 years. I'm really confused by that thing.

Second....crap. What was my second question again? I don't remember. That's really unfortunate. Well, I suppose it's just one question then. Anyway...tests signs. What's up with that?

1 comment:

Tabz said...

its a test of the road surface they used a new kind and test how it holds up to traffic ussally test last from 3-9 years before it is decied if it will work for the area they want it in.