Monday, May 21, 2007

A Brief Rumination

If you're going to run a marathon, starting from whatever, start from scratch, start from the occasional sprint after an ice cream truck, start from a 15 flat 5K and nothing longer, it's really irrelevant, you've got to start running more. Run more often, and run farther. So, looking ahead, I'm going to write more often. I'll put it at a goal of two posts a week here, for starters. Be forewarned, I'm probably going to write about a lot of nothing, and a lot of that nothing is going to suck. Sorry. Of course, the last time I set a goal like that, school and work ganged up on me, and I didn't run at all for months. So we'll see, but let's call this a beginning, and hope and pray that the middle and end are much more interesting than foreseen.

On your mark, set...

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