Saturday, June 24, 2006

R.O.P.D.R.P.W. Episode VI: Now I'm Annoying Too

Yeah, It's been a really long time. Too long. I've wanted to do one about my less-perceptive customers for a while, and I'm glad I finally got around to it. So enjoy! Oh yeah, and an alternate title was "In what language does 'Closed' mean 'Morons please come talk to me?'".


GhostMaster said...

You're really good about those webcomics. What does ROPDRPW mean again?

Unknown said...

That drawing is way more detailed then I believe is mentally healthy.

Elizabeth said...

Richard's Occasional (< I believe) and Poorly Drawn ... (i forget the rest. sorry.)

Just for the general info, those are actually words on the sign... that's freakin' insane! My thing doesn't even make them large enough to read.

Elizabeth said...

maybe it's Original

Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

The initials stand for "Richard's Occasional and Poorly Drawn Paint Webcomic." I maintain that it is poorly drawn, because while I do spend an unhealthy amount of time on the backgrounds, they are all very impressionistic, I suppose is a word you could use, and the people are, of course, freehand stick figures. Oh yeah, and the comic's made in MS paint, so it's very hard to make anything look like it's supposed to.

Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

GAH!!! I meant to say "Richard's Occasional and Poorly Drawn Random Paint Webcomic"...I'm so darn forgetful.

di hu said...

that is freaken awesome. i mean the detail in that it's a beauty!!!

FlutinKat said...

Lol, that's always great to make fun of.