Thursday, September 04, 2008

Cut Through the Crap?

One thing I hate about election season is that there's so much bullshit thrown about. It's convention season, after all, and that means the major parties are busy congratulating themselves and telling you how horrible their opponents are. It's an interesting part of the process, but often the candidates are so full of it, it just makes me sick.

Recently, I heard about, a site run by a non-profit group out of the University of Pennsylvania, that's dedicated to taking the soundbites and slogans of national politics, and basically filling in the holes. Wondering if McCain really considers everyone making less than $5 million/year middle class? Does Obama really want to give up Iraq to the trrists? Well, they try to answer questions like that. For example, here is an analysis of Obama's nomination acceptance speech, and here is an analysis of Tuesday's Republican convention mudslinging.

It is worth noting that most of the articles seem to be pointed at McCain's campain. Whether this is because they're more full of crap than the Obama side, or it's actually an indication of bias, I'm not sure. But as the campaign ramps up toward November, I'm going to be keeping an eye on it. It seems though, that this site could be a good resource to cut through the crap. God knows, they're laying it on thick these days.


Jason Johnston said...

Wow, this is really good. And it definitely lets me know I'm on the right track as a libertarian I just wish Obama, McCain, or any other "significant" politician would actually come to Oklahoma--just so I could verbally rip them a new one, haha. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on things as well.

Jason Johnston said...

Haha, there was supposed to a "." after libertarian. My bad.