Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Tryin' to be all 1337

So, 3dward and Ph1llip were both all h4xx0rs about Fr4nce. 3dward was totally teh n00b, and Phillip was all "w00t." He went back to Ga5cony, and was all 'Wine? Salt? R0xx0rs!!1' Ph1l was all '1 B m0r 1337 than joo. Ph34R my sk1llz'. They were all 'OMG, WTF?' Everybody got ub3r pissed, so they got to fr4gging.

There was fr4gging in the low countries.

There was fr4gging in Ga5cony.

There was fr4gging in the Channel.

All the h4xxors thought France had the 1337est sk1lls. They had the k3wlest Cavalry of the day.

3dward had all the 1337 seiges. He was much teh pwnage. He pwned in Normandy, in Calais, he pwned in Brittany.

The Black Death was teh suxx0rs. WTF?

Then Teh Black Prince was surfing around with his arch3rz. He had the 1337 sk1llz. All the haxxorz knew, 3ngland was teh pwnage. W00t.
(Of course, that's not teh end of teh fr4gg4ge, but being 1360 doesn't pwn like being 1337.)


Lori said...

j00 R my h3r0

Unknown said...

411 ! g0+5 2 54y !s \/\/00t.